Help The Guide Meet Our Cancer Fundraising Goal

If everyone donated just $5 we would reach our goal in no time, that’s less than a fast food meal, or happy hour beverage.

Help raise funds to provide quality of life programming for Dear Jack Foundation's young adult cancer patients and survivors.

san clemente guide donation fundraiser


Adolescent and young adults are at a unique stage in their emotional, cognitive, and social development, which cancer often disrupts. The attempts by these young adults to establish independence from their parents, to complete school, to enter the workforce with a desired career, to find a life partner, and to raise a family often are temporarily, or somethings permanently derailed, leading to feelings of isolation and depression.

Please help us support Dear Jack Foundation by making a donation. The process is fast, easy, and secure.

Thanks so much for your support, and please don't forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating!


"This is not a generation in search of pity; we are searching for action. We have so much to offer this world, and we are ready for the world to meet us on our journeys through treatment, recovery and survival. With your support we can make this possible." 

- Andrew McMahon, Dear Jack Founder


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